Year Four








Kate Oakley - Hummingbirds

Hannah Raban - Doves

Year Four Teachers


Pupils continue to be taught subjects linked across our Explore, Discover and Create themes, with a growing focus on building their competency in each subject. They are beginning to produce sustained pieces of writing and are more able to apply knowledge used in a variety of subject areas to solve problems or justify opinions. Swimming continues to be taught formally.







Art & Design

Painting - Cool Britannia

  • Explore the work of David Hockney
  • Experiment with different effects and textures, including blocking in colour, washes, thickened paint creating textural effects 
  • Work on a range of scales, e.g. thin brush on a small picture etc. 
  • Create different effects and textures with paint according to what they need for the task
  • Mix colours and know which primary colours make secondary colours 
  • Use more specific colour language 
  • Mix and use tints and shades

Drawing - Ancient Greece

  • Explore a variety of different Ancient Greek pot designs
  • Make simple marks on rollers and printing palettes 
  • Take simple prints, i.e. mono - printing
  • Create simple printing blocks with press print 
  • Design more repetitive patterns
  • Create printing blocks using a relief or impressed method 
  • Create repeating patterns 
  • Print with two colour overlays


Computer Systems and Networks: Collaborative Learning (Google)

  • Using a range of tools to work collaboratively in a responsible and considerate way.

Programming: Further Coding with Scratch

  • Learning the basics of programming in Scratch, children will create a simple script, use decomposition and understand what variables are.

Skills Showcase: HTML

  • Recognising the role of HTML in a web page and altering the HTML to change the text and images.

Design Technology

  • Electrical Systems - Simple programming and control
  • Food - Healthy and varied diet
  • Mechanical Systems - Pneumatics 



  • Mystery Story
  • Fantasy Story
  • Balanced Argument (Speech)
  • Recount
  • Historical Story
  • Myth
  • Persuasion (Speech)
  • Non-chronological Report
  • Science-Fiction Story
  • Adventure Story
  • Poetry
  • Persuasive Letter
  • Newspaper/Journalistic Writing


  • Our Planet
  • Amazing Animals
  • Cool Britannia
  • Armistace Day
  • Diversity and Equality
  • Christmas
  • The Romans
  • Magic (Witches and Wizards)
  • Chinese New Year
  • Ancient Greece
  • Classics
  • Together and United
  • Other Cultures
  • Tickle and Funny Bone
  • Friendship
  • Author study
  • Heroes and Villains


  • Phonetics Lesson 1-2
  • Classroom
  • My Home
  • At the Café


  • Our Planet
  • Cool Britannia


Ancient Greece

  • How can we possibly know so much about the Ancient Greeks who lived over 2,500 years ago?
  • Theseus and the Minotaur: is there any evidence for the legend?
  • What can we work out about everyday life in Ancient Athens?
  • Ancient Greek vases: the answer lies on the pot
  • What was life like for women in Ancient Greece?
  • Why was Athens able to be so strong in the 5th and 6th BC?
  • The Battle of Marathon - A history mystery

The Roman Empire

  • Why did the Romans invade Britain?
  • The Roman invasion: have the books got it right?
  • Should the Celts take on the Romans? A reconstruction relay
  • Boudica's rebellion
  • How were the Romans able to keep control over such a vast empire?
  • Roman towns and Roman villas


Autumn Term

  • Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Area
  • Multiplication and Division A

Spring Term

  • Multiplication and Division B
  • Length and Perimeter
  • Fractions
  • Decimals A

Summer Term

  • Decimals B
  • Money
  • Time
  • Shape 
  • Statistics
  • Position and Direction


Body and tuned percussion

  • A topic of discovery; children will explore the rainforest through music and be introduced to new musical terms. They will also use a mixture of body percussion and tuned percussion instruments as the children create their own rhythms of the rainforest, layer by layer.

Adapting and transposing motifs (The Romans)

  • Drawing upon their understanding of repeating patterns in music, pupils are introduced to the concept of motifs.

Samba and carnival sounds and instruments 

  • Getting a feel for the music and culture of South America, children are introduced to samba and the sights and sounds of the carnival.


In our PE lessons for Year 4, pupils advance their experience and skills in formal games, including football, hockey, racquet sports, and more. Alongside skills development, pupils begin to take greater ownership of their performances by judging their technique, measuring times and distances, and recognising rules violations such as footwork fouls. 

They also have the opportunities to compete against others as well as set and pursue goals for themselves. 

Autumn Term

  • Swimming
  • Dance
  • Tag Rugby
  • Netball

Spring Term

  • Hockey
  • Tennis
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics

Summer Term

  • Dance
  • Swimming
  • OAA
  • Cricket


How can we manage our emotions?

  • Developing emotional maturity; learning that we experience a range of emotions and are responsible for these; appreciating the emotions of others; developing a growth mindset; identifying calming and relaxing activities; developing independence in dental hygiene.

How can we look after money?

  • Exploring choices associated with looking after money, what makes something good value for money, stereotypes in the workplace, career changes and what influences career choices.

How can we manage risk in different places?

  • Building awareness of online safety and the benefits and risks of sharing information online; identifying the difference between private and public; age restrictions; the risks associated with tobacco; knowing how to help someone with asthma

How can we contribute to our community?

  • Learning about Human rights and caring for the environment; exploring the role of groups within the local community and appreciating community diversity; looking at the role of local government

How do we treat each other with respect?

  • Learning that families are varied and differences must be respected; understanding physical and emotional boundaries in friendships; exploring: the roles of bully, victim and bystander; how behaviour affects others; manners in different situations and learning about bereavement

Growing Up

  • Learning about: Changes; What is puberty?; Healthy relationships


Philosophy Units

  • What do we mean by truth? Is seeing believing?
  • What does sacrifice mean?

Theology Units

  • Where do religious beliefs come from?

Human & Social Science Units

  • How do/have religious groups contribute to society and culture?
  • Why is there so much diversity of belief within Christianity?


  • Living things and their habitats
  • Animals, including humans
  • States of matter
  • Sound
  • Electricity