Religious Education

Religious Education at our school provides the opportunity for children and adults to reflect on the ways in which beliefs influence how people live their lives. These beliefs and life experiences affect the way people behave and this behaviour has an impact on others and the world we live in.

At Rodings Primary School, the Religious Education curriculum has a key role to play in helping children to develop their spirituality and understanding about diversity. They will begin to understand that they have a part to play in creating the world they live in.

We aim to inspire the children to be able to become more confident in holding balanced and informed discussions looking at the RE curriculum through three lenses: Human and social understanding, Theology and Philosophy. Each unit of work starts with an inquiry question and children explore multi faith religious ideas and themes.

We want children to understand that people have different beliefs and that it is important to mindfully listen to these people and show respect for these beliefs. In so doing they will have the essential foundations needed to become good citizens of the planet, being responsible members of society and showing that they know the importance of treating everyone with dignity.

Being aware of world religions and holidays is key for promoting inclusivity, respect and tolerance all year round. We've included a website with information on religious events and festivals.

Subject Leader

Rachel Deamer
